Custom song

By following the previous lessons, you should have learned how to map a multi-track song using tutorial song as an example.

Adapting a custom song is pretty much the same. You just need to learn how to prepare the audio & video files.

Before we start, some general advice for you.

Friendly advice

Finish the tutorial

Start from completing the tutorial from the beginning to the end. Really.

It may be boring to work on a song that you do not know or like, but finishing that song is not the point here. Just try to follow the tutorial along and actually try to do the changes in the editor with your own hands. Check if the result is similar, if not, try to understand why.

If you just read the articles, you won't learn nearly half as much as you would have by trying out the steps in practice.

You may also be tempted to read several articles and then try to apply that knowledge to your own song as soon as possible. If you are dead set on this approach, at least skim all articles before starting. Otherwise you may e.g. manually add notes for the whole song only to find out later that you could have just tapped them or copied whole parts.

Choose a doable song

Do not start from difficult songs. I know that you probably have several songs that you really love and want to start working on them right away.

Do not just choose your favourite song. Think whether this song is realistically doable for you at this point of time.

As your first song it's best to choose something easy, that:

  • is fairly short,

  • is repetitive,

  • has only one vocal track,

  • has limited or no background vocals,

  • has no growl etc, maybe some pop song,

  • has a midi file/music sheet available (if you can't set pitches by ear),

  • is in your vocal range (you will be able to test it by singing).

Otherwise you may quickly get discouraged.

Of course the more experience you have, the harder songs you can choose. Just do not go overboard with challenging yourself, take baby steps.

Prepare audio first

Before you start working on the song in Karedi, prepare the audio file as explained in the next section. Other files - video, cover, background - may be added after you are done with the txt file.

However, if you edit audio after you have finished mapping the vocal track, you will at least have to adjust the GAP (in the best case scenario) or even redo the whole synchronization (in the worst case).

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