Lyrics displayer
Verify the line lyrics
Last updated
Verify the line lyrics
Last updated
There are three places in Karedi where you can see the lyrics of the current active track, each one has a different purpose.
The main one is the lyrics editor - it shows the lyrics of the whole track in a special format that lets you add the lyrics and change the way they are assigned to the notes.
The second one are the lyrics displayed on the notes themselves in the main editor. The purpose of them is to let you know which note is which.
The last one is the lyrics displayer. It is the only place of these three that actually shows you how the final result will look in Ultastar.
As described in the article dedicated to the visible area topic, you can view the notes in main editor in 2 display modes:
line mode (range of the visible beats is automatically set to fit the active line),
free mode (range of the visible beats is set and controlled by you).
If you are in the line mode, you will see the number of the current line in the left side of the lyrics displayer:
and the final text of the whole line on the right side (lyrics of selected notes are blue):
In free view mode there is no active line and you can display any range of beats with notes belonging to different lines. In such case line lyrics are separated by a slash.
As you can notice, the left side of the lyrics displayer no longer displayes any number. This is because in free mode there is no active line.
As a matter of fact, whether a number is displayed here or not is the quickest way to verify whether you are in the line or free display mode.