Solving issues

In this lesson you will learn how to

  • check what issues your txt file has,

  • how to understand them,

  • how to fix them automatically if possible.

Before you start

This lesson requires a special songfile with errors. You need to download it from here:

Solving issues

Reviewing issues

Let's load the song and take a look at the bottom:

We can see that the Problems tab is red. It means that there are some issues that need our attention. Let's click on the tab caption to see what they are:

Problem types

There are 2 kind of problems:

  • errors - if they remain unsolved they will negatively impact player's experience,

  • warnings - solving them will improve player's experience.

If you hover mouse over any of them, you will see some additional info:

Reviewing the issues

Let's click on the first error. You should be transported to the place where it occurs:

And the second error:

We can fix these issues manually, but let's test the automatic solution.

Right click on the second error and choose Correct option.

As you can see, the first note was shortened so that the notes no longer overlap.

Do the same with the other error.

Remember to review whether the fix is actually appropriate. Karedi will just shorten the first note, it will not check whether this is the valid approach. Maybe in your case it is the second note that should start later?

Solving warnings

You can solve some warnings automatically as well. Click on "Interval between lines is too small" warning.

As we can see the interval between first and second visible line is just 2 beats. The advised interval is 3 beats or longer so that the player has some time to register line change and read new line's lyrics.

Let's correct it automatically.

As you can see, the first note was shortened to make the interval 3 beats long.

You must always check synchro after automatic fixes if you use them.

In our case altough the warning disappeared, our "ver" note is incorrect. It should be 2 beats shorter.

Automatic solving

Usually you should not need automatic solver. If you make a song from scratch, just be cautious not to create any overlapping or touching notes. If you see any error, fix it manually or at least verify that the result is satisfactory.

When is it useful?

If you want to fix some old song, e.g. imported from Singstar. These songs may have many overlapping or touching notes. You can use automatic solver to quickly resolve the issues and improve the song quality. Of course to turn the txt file into high-quality you would still have to check the timing and pitches of every note.

You can correct all errors/warnings at once.

Just right-click on Errors or Warnings group header and choose Correct option there instead of clicking on a specific problem.

Problems with no automatic fixes

After solving all problems that could be solved automatically, our file still has some errors that can not be fixed automatically.

In the next lesson we will learn how to solve them.

Shortcuts summary:

In this lessons we have not learned any new shortcuts.

What's next

In the next lesson we will go back to our original song file and learn how to add golden bonus.

To learn more refer to:

Last updated