Setting medley boundaries

Medley is a mode in which you can combine parts of various songs and sing them one after another.

The part of the song that is included in medleys is specified by the song's creator. You need to choose the first and last note that should be singable in medley mode.

Defining medley's start and end

Choosing the first note

To define the first note that should be included in medleys:

  1. Select it:

  1. Go to menu Tags -> Medley -> Set Start

Choosing the last note

To choose the last note that should be included:

  1. Select it

  2. Go to menu Tags -> Medley -> Set End

Setting medley from selection

Alternatively you can select all notes that you want to include (in reality only the first and the last one is important) and use Tags -> Medley -> From Selection option:

Defining the beats manually

You can also define the beats manually, just go to menu Tags -> Medley -> Edit... and input the desired values in the popup:

Viewing medley part

The part that will be included in the medley has blue background. Once you set the boundaries, you should see the change:

Playing medley part

You can also listen to the notes chosen as part of the medley. Go to the menu Play -> Medley -> Audio Only/Midi Only/Audio & Midi.

See also


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