Try the song out

In this lesson you will learn

  • what to look for when trying out the song.

Before you start

Our tutorial song has now been finished.

If you don't have it, you can download the latest version here:


Remember to always check the song after you've finished mapping it. Sing it in Ultrastar - all versions (if you have a duet version verify both tracks). Do not forget about the medley mode.

By singing you can notice mistakes that could have been missed so far like:

  • wrong pitches,

  • too short/too long notes,

  • unmapped part of the song,

  • wrong lyrics,

  • weird medley.

You can also for example slightly adjust the gap if you feel that the whole song is a bit off but be cautious. It may be caused by the microphone you are using - it's best to check if same issue appears on most songs or just this one.

Adjust whatever is necessary and try singing the song again until you are confident that it look good.

It's also a good time to check things like:

  • are there any missed pitch changes?

  • are any of the included pitch changes too much and feel unnatural while singing?

  • should I increase some pause between two lines? (by shortening the last note of the previous line by 1-2 beats)

  • should I split/join some lines?

Final remarks

The final version that is uploaded here needs this final check - it has some minor issues that could be adjusted to make it better. You can try to identify them for practise.

Remember that the final result will slightly depend on the person who mapped the song. Some questions may have more than one good answer e.g. what part should be marked for medleys.

As the creator of the Ultrastar version of the song you have some creative freedom.

Within reasonable bounds of course!

What's next

We have finished the tutorial song. In the next section you will learn some additional information that you need to know to start working on a custom song.

Last updated