Tracks manager

How to manage multiple vocal tracks?

Your song may have multiple vocal tracks that you want to transcribe. As a result you will let players in Ultrastar sing different parts of the song at the same time so that they can e.g. create a duet.

All songs must have at least one track.

Track overview

The main management of tracks happens in the track manager panel which is located above the main editor on the left side.

Here you can see the list of the tracks defined for the song - each representing a different vocal line:

You can hover your mouse on any track to learn some basic information about it including singer's name and a total golden bonus defined on the track:

Active track

Only one track is active at any given time. You can change the active track by clicking on a different one:

or via Menu -> View -> Previous Track (shortcut: Shift + Tab) or Next Track (shortcut: Tab).

When the active track changes, the notes from that track are in focus in main editor. The track lyrics also become editable in the lyrics editor.

Hiding tracks

By default all tracks are visible. As a result you can see all notes in the main editor and the tracks are also displayed in song fillbar.

However when you work on a new track you may temporarily not need to see the other tracks. You can hide them by changing their visibility in the tracks manager. Just uncheck the checkbox in the "Visible" column next to the track you want to hide .

You can't hide the active track

Muting tracks

Hiding the track does not mute them. The notes won't be visible in the editor but they will be audible when you activate playback.

If you want to mute the track simply select the checkbox next to the track you want to mute in "Mute" column in tracks manager.

You can't mute the active track

Last updated