Auto syllabification

Splitting words into syllables automatically

The most tedious and labour-intensive part of preparing the lyrics of the song is splitting them into chunks. Half of the work is already done - the words are divided by spaces so if you just copy the lyrics from somewhere and paste them in Karedi, you will already have more than one note covered.

The next part is splitting the words themselves into syllables. After all, one chunk of lyrics is usually one syllable or "~". This can be done manually by inserting dashes in the right places.

However Karedi can do it for you!


Auto-syllabification currently supports English, Polish, Spanish and Japanese romaji lyrics.

If other language is needed, request it here.

To benefit from automatic syllabification, language of the song must be set in the tags. To set the language add a new Language tag as explained in here. Use English name of the language e.g. Polish, Japanese, English, German as the value

Verify that the language is indeed set in the tags editor:

Applying auto syllabification

Auto syllabification is applied automatically on normal paste action in the lyrics editor if the language of the song is set in the LANGUAGE tag and is supported.

Let's imagine that we want to syllabize the lyrics that we temporarily have in the scratchpad:

Of course putting the lyrics in the scratchpad first is not necessary - this is just so that you can see the original text that will be copied.

Now if you copy the text and paste it in the lyrics editor (using ctrl + v shortcut) it will automatically be syllabized:

Now you can rearrange the lyrics as you want so that the chunks fit the notes but the most tedious part of splitting words into syllables has been already done automatically.

The final chunks arrangement for this part of lyrics could look e.g. like this:

Disabling auto syllabification

If you want to just paste your text as it is - without any modifications - use ctrl + shift + v shortcut instead. This will disable syllabification.

Last updated