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Last updated
Some parameters of the application can be configured in the preferences.
To open the preferences dialog go to the menu Edit -> Preferences...
In the general preferences you can switch the language of the application.
Currently there are two languages supported - English and Polish.
As written in the popup, to apply the language change you need to restart the application.
In display tab of the preferences you can change whether you want to see tones (pitches) and lengths of the notes in the editor. With:
As written in the popup, you need to at least reload the song to see the changes.
In the new song wizard preferences you can adjust the remembered library directory in which all songs created by the new song wizard are saved.
The value can be set either here or by selecting "Remember this song directory" checkbox in the choose song directory step of the new song wizard.
As long as the directory specified here exists, new song wizard will skip choose song directory step.
If you want to be asked for the directory every time, simply clear this library dir value and save the changes.
In this tab all preferences related to the way txt format is handled are available.
By default Karedi will save txt files with spaces before words - it will be placed before the first syllable of every new word (besides first word in line).
If this property is checked, Karedi will switch to placing spaces after words while saving (besides the last word in line).
This setting only affects saving!
Karedi will load all txt files regardless of spaces placement - spaces can be before words, after words or even both approaches can be mixed within one file. Everything will be normalized and converted to the preferred approach on save.
This setting will be used only with songs that have undefined txt format version or if the chosen version supports DUETSINGERP tags.
By default, Karedi will use P1/P2/P3... tags to save track names. If for some reason (e.g. backwards compatibility) you would like to keep using DUETSINGERP1 & DUETSINGERP2 tags in duet songs, you can check this property.
Property affects only tracks number 1 and 2, all subsequent tracks will still use P3, P4(...) tags.
This setting affects only tags that are automatically managed when you change track names in tracks manager:
If you do not use this feature and operate on tags directly, Karedi will not modify them at all, regardless of the setting.