Last beat that will be included in the medley part

What is it?

Medleyendbeat defines the moment (in beats) in which the singable part of the medley should end.

What is it used for?

It is used to indicate the first beat that should not be included in medley.

How to determine the value?

First determine the part of the song that you want to include in medleys (has to be continuous). It can be the chorus or something more custom - e.g. several lines of the verse and several lines of the chorus - any fun and recognizable part of the song will do as long as it is not too long.

The medleyendbeat should be the beat after the end of the last note from this part. So if the last note starts in beat 4000 and lasts 5 beats, you should use 4005.

Technical requirements


  • must be >= 0,

  • is expressed in beats so it is an integer,

  • is after #MEDLEYSTARTBEAT,

  • is before the song's last beat.

Example in TXT file


See also

MEDLEYSTARTBEATSetting medley boundaries

Last updated