Problems manager

How to check and solve issues with your songfile?

Your songfile is constantly being automatically analyzed by Karedi. Any issues are reported in the Problems tab which can be found below the main editor. By default problems tab is hidden and Log tab is visible. To switch to problems tab simply click on its caption.

Problem types

Depending on the importance the found issues are divided into 2 categories:

  • errors - problems of high importance - they will hinder the player's singing experience,

  • warnings - problems of lower importance that should be fixed but they won't affect the user's experience that much.

If you click on the given category you can expand it and see the list of the problems that belong to it. If you hover the mouse on some problem you will see more details about it:

Automatic fixes

For most of the problems you have an automatic fix available that you can apply. The automatic fix can be either safe or potentially risky.

If you right-click on some issue you will see the options to correct it:

You should use Correct (invasive) option if safe Correct option is unavailable

This particular problem informs us about connected notes. If you click on it, the problematic area will be displayed in the main editor and the faulty notes will be selected.

If you click Correct option you will see that "now" note was automatically shortened to avoid connected notes and that the number of errors decreased:

Batch problem fixing

You can apply automatic fixes to all problems at once

Instead of fixing errors one by one you can fix all at once by right-clicking on the category header (in this case "Errors (2 items)" and clicking Correct option there.

As a result all errors that have a safe fix available were fixed. The number of errors decreased to one.

If you right-click on the Errors category header again you will see that there are only problems with invasive solutions left:

Since there is no other fix available, let's use the invasive option.

You will see that the problem got resolved and the note with missing lyrics now got ~ as lyrics. This solution is treated as risky because the editor has no way of knowing whether this is the correct lyrics for that note.

No fix available

For some issues, especially warnings there may be no automatic fix available like in this example:

Let's hover the mouse over this warning to learn more:

So in order to get rid of this warning you should mark some notes as golden. You can learn more about golden notes bonus here.

Last updated