Lyrics editor
How to manage song lyrics?
Last updated
How to manage song lyrics?
Last updated
Every note needs some lyrics, otherwise the player would have no idea how to sing it.
The lyrics of the song can be managed in the lyrics editor which is located above the main editor on the right.
To be able to edit anything in the lyrics editor you must activate it. Inactive editor has gray backroung, active - white. To activate the editor just click somewhere on it or press F2 key.
In the lyrics editor you have a list of numbered lines (or phrases) for the active track. If your song has multiple tracks each track has its own lyrics. You can see track lyrics only when it is active.
During gameplay Ultrastar will display the lines of lyrics one by one.
You can treat the lyrics editor a bit like any other text editor - move around with arrow keys, move the cursor via clicking or select parts of texts using mouse or shift + arrows. You can also copy and paste parts of text.
The main differences between lyrics editor and any other text editor is that:
hyphens and spaces have special meaning,
there is a relationship between the lyrics and the actual notes.
This relationship has several important implications, which are explained in the next articles.
In lyrics editor you only edit the way lyrics are arranged over existing notes.
No action taken in lyrics editor can edit the actual notes, e.g. if you remove some part of lyrics, you will do just that - no note will get removed
Keen observers have probably already noticed that some chunks of the example lyrics are bolded. The style of the text corresponds to the note's type.
no style
no style
Golden rap