Moving lyrics around

How to change the lyrics assigned to a note?

Normally when creating a song you will just paste the lyrics from somewhere. They are not divided into syllables and definitely not assigned to correct notes so you need to know how to move lyrics around so that they are assigned to the notes you want.

Splitting words

The first action that you need to know how to do is splitting words into chunks of lyrics. It's simple. Just place the cursor in the place that you want to split the lyrics in and insert the separator you need - space or hyphen.

If you press hyphen key the word will be divided:

As you have noticed this got transfered to the next line. It should be obvious by now why it happened. We only have 7 notes in the first line, "over" was previously assigned to one note. Now this is distributed over 2 notes so the last chunk of lyrics from our line got moved to the first note from the next line. This action is called rolling the lyrics.

Combining words

To combine words or chunks of lyrics just remove the separator. This action will also roll the lyrics but in the opposite direction.

Rolling the lyrics

As you have already seen splitting lyrics will roll the lyrics to the right. If you remove the separator to combine the lyrics, you will roll all lyrics to the left. You can also invoke the rolling action in the desired direction manually. When would it be useful?

Let's go back to our example:

Currently "ver" chunk is too soon. It is in 28th beat but it should be in the 48th - on the note that currently has lyrics "is". We need to move "ver" two notes to the right. But not only "ver". "or" and "is" and all subsequent chunks of lyrics also need to be moved 2 notes to the right.

To do this we can invoke the roll lyrics action manually from toolbar by clicking on the highlighted icon (or you can use shortcut ctrl + r):

Just make sure that "ver" note is selected before invoking it.

After first click:

After second click:

You can also try the "Roll Lyrics Left" (shortcut ctrl + shift + r) option - this will basically revert what we have done.


You can also cut, copy and paste the lyrics around in the lyrics editor. Beware that this will also cause lyrics rolling since you are either decreasing or increasing the number of chunks in some line. If you want to copy not only the lyrics but also the notes, please see this guide to learn more.

Automatic syllabification kicks in on lyrics paste (if the song's language is supported)

Please note that if the language of your song is set in the tags and Karedi supports auto-syllabification for that language, anything that you paste in the editor using usual ctrl + v shortcut will be automatically syllabized.

This is usually what you want since when the lyrics are syllabized, you just need to roll some chunks here and there to add some "~" in the right places and the work on lyrics will be quickly done. Without auto-syllabification you need to manually divide all words into syllables.

However, if you just want to paste exactly what you copied, use ctrl + shift + v shortcut instead.

Last updated