First note offset

What is it?

Gap defines the moment (in milliseconds) in which the first note of the song begins in the audio file e.g. if GAP is set to 5000 then the first note will begin 5 seconds into the audio file.

What is it used for?

You can have different audio files of the same song. The song in each one of them may begin in different point of time, e.g. one can have more silence at the beginning. GAP lets you easily re-synchronize your song when you switch the audio (e.g. for one with better quality).

How to determine the value?

By ear. Listen to your audio file and check when the first syllable of the song begins and write down the rough value in milliseconds. You can later finetune it in the program.

Technical requirements

Valid GAP:

  • must be >= 0,

  • is an integer so 3450.67 is not allowed (3450 should be used instead),

  • is expressed in milliseconds.

Example in TXT file


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