Beats & pitches grid

What do main editor axes represent?

Let's take a look at the main editor without any notes:

It's a two dimentional grid. There are two X axes (time) and one Y axis (pitch).

Grid axes

  1. The Y axis corresponds to pitches (pitch is represented by a number from -60 to 67)

  2. The lower X axis represents time in beats (beat is the smallest unit of time in Ultrastar format, see bpm article to learn more about beats)

  3. The upper X axis represents time in ms. This axis is purely informational for you as humans understand time in milliseconds better than beats.

Grid lines style

The lines creating the grid are dashed. The vertical lines corresponding to every 4th beat are solid. The thick vertical line that you can see in beat 3 is the time marker.

Visible range

The range of values visible on any of the axes depends on several factors - mostly the current display mode and the notes. You can read about that in visible area section.

Blue grid

The light blue color of the grid's background marks the time range of the medley.

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